Monday, March 14, 2011

little arpan... big anubhuti...

Sharing a very intimate experience with all of you...

One morning, I was sitting near my 6 month son who had recently learnt to get up on his knees. He would get up on all his fours, and keep rocking himself all day. While rocking on his fours, he accidentally sat up. That was the 1st time he actually SAT, and I was so very happy to be present at that time.

Immediately, I went down on the floor & sat next to him lest he might fall down. He was swaying dangerously from side to side & I was ready to catch him. He was just about managing to hold himself up in between the sudden imbalances. But I didn't hold him. It was only when he was actually falling, did I catch him & prevent the crash. Sometimes, I even allowed him to fall when the crash wasn't too big.

This incident left a deep impact on my mind. I think this incident happens not in only childhood but keeps repeating all through our lives. Only the context of falling keeps changing. Many a times, we do not know that we are falling. We try our level best to keep ourselves up, reach higher, move forward and in that process, lose balance. Most of the time, we manage to keep our balance but not always. At all times, God is always watching, sitting right next to us, though we do not know. He does not hold us all the time, but watches quietly & feels happy about our efforts. He even lets us fall sometimes when the fall is not too big; and only when we lean too dangerously, does He grab us & put us back on track.

But we, in our ignorance, start cursing Him in the process of our imbalance. We start questioning His existence and/or His love, at the slightest of misfortunes.

He is watching, and will surely hold us but only when we sway too dangerously.
  • He is always there, exactly as I was with my little son.
  • He desires your growth with your own efforts, exactly as I want for my son.
  • He is ready to do anything for you, exactly as I am for my son.
  • He is madly in love with you, exactly as I am with my son.

This was my big anubhuti from little Arpan that morning.

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